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Home > Databases > Local heritage books > Spelle

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Local heritage book of Spelle

The parish of Spelle is a parish of Plantlünne (Lünne).
Older information about baptisms, marriages and funerals can be found in the church records of the rk and ev.-ref. parishes Lünne.
However, there is a note in the rk church book Lünne at the baptisms 1801, that the Speller baptisms are no longer entered in the rk church book Lünne.
See text: Baptisms Plantlünne, at the end of the page.

For the time 1801 - 1811 there should be no catholic baptism entries.
For the time 1810 - 1813 the dates of birth can be taken from the civil status.
For the time 1801 - 1809 one could probably take the birth data from the ev.-ref. church book Lünne. However, these ev.-ref. church books are not available to me.
If someone should have access to the ev.-ref. books, I would be pleased about an info very much.


Spelle St. John the Baptist

    Baptism register as of 1812
    Marriage register from 1827
    Death register as of 1812

Processing period to date:

    Rk. Baptisms 1812 - 1900
    RK. Marriages 1827 - 1920
    Rk. Deaths 1812 - 1845 partially and 1846 - 1920 completely

Further evaluated sources for the OFB Messingen:

    Civil status register Plantlünne 1810 - 1811 autumn (for the persons from Spelle)
    Civil status register Spelle 1811 autumn - 1813, NLA. OS Rep. 491 No. 1829, No. 1830, No. 1831
    Partial additions from church records of neighboring parishes


:: More links
Pfeil Federal State Niedersachsen
Pfeil County Emsland
Pfeil Spelle in the Genealogical Place Register GOV
Pfeil Official Homepage
Pfeil Spelle in Wikipedia
Pfeil Geographical Location, City map Spelle
:: Contact
For further information concerning these data and, if you have additions, corrections or questions, please contact:
Stefan Hilling

Last status Local heritage book of Spelle: 04.06.2023
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